The most anticipated anime adaptation of the beloved rom-com light novel Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian is finally hitting screens this summer season. The show’s about gorgeous yet quirky high schooler Alya, who sometimes expresses her feelings in Russian, unaware that her seatmate Masachika understands.
Recently, KADOKAWA released the new PV of Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian, previewing the opening theme song “The Brightest Star,” performed by Sumire Uesaka, the voice actress of heroine Alya. It also revealed that Uesaka will perform a different ending theme song cover for each episode of the anime.
Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian light novel written by SunSunSun and illustrated by Momoco. Kadokawa Shoten has published the novel under their Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko imprint since February 2021; currently, 8 volumes and a short story volume have been released.
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Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian Anime Release Date
On May 31, a new character promotional video for “Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian” was released, announcing that the anime will premiere on July 3 at 11:30 PM JST on TOKYO MX, with other networks airing it later.
Staff And Cast
The staff behind the anime are as follows:
- Animation Studio: Doga Kobo
- Director and series composer: Ryouta Ito
- Character designer and Chief animation director: Yuuhei Murota
- Art director: Risa Wakabayashi
- Music composer: Hiroaki Tsutsumi
The show’s cast members include:
- Kōhei Amasaki as Masachika Kuse
- Yukiyo Fujii as Masha
- Sumire Uesaka as Alya
- Wakana Maruoka as Yuki Suō
- Saya Aizawa as Ayano Kimishima
- Kaito Ishikawa as Touya Kenzaki
- Maki Kawase as Chisaki Sarashina
- Ikumi Hasegawa as Sayaka Taniyama
- Taichi Ichikawa as Hikaru Kiyomiya
- Yoshino Aoyama as Nonoa Miyamae
- Kōdai Sakai as Takeshi Maruyama
Yen Press is publishing Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian light novel in English and describes its story as follows:
Masachika Kuse sits next to Arya, a girl of Russian and Japanese descent. She’s beautiful, haughty, and an exceptional student, while Masachika is nerdy and known for being a slacker. He’s an easy target for her comments in Russian, which she’s all too happy to translate-except he can understand what she’s really saying!
Source: Official Website